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Defiant Deutsch

Defiant: Translation and Meaning in English and German

Understanding the Concept of "Defiant"

The term "defiant" is commonly used to describe behavior that involves open resistance or disobedience against authority figures or established norms. It implies a sense of defiance, opposition, or challenge.

Translation and Usage in German

In the German language, the word "defiant" is translated as "aufsässig," "trotzig," or "frech." These translations convey the same idea of resistance and challenge. The term "aufsässig" is particularly used to describe children who exhibit defiant behavior towards their parents or teachers.

Synonyms and Related Terms

Some common synonyms for "defiant" in English include: * Insubordinate * Rebellious * Disobedient * Unruly * Uncooperative In German, similar synonyms include: * Widerspenstig * Aufsässig * Trotzbietend * Frech * Widersätzlich

Usage in Different Contexts

The term "defiant" can be used in various contexts to describe behavior ranging from mild noncompliance to outright rebellion. Examples include: * Defiant students who refuse to follow school rules * Defiant children who argue with their parents * Defiant employees who challenge their supervisors * Defiant protesters who engage in civil disobedience


Understanding the meaning and translation of "defiant" is essential for effective communication across languages. Whether you are working with English or German texts, it is important to recognize the nuances of this term and its different applications.
